Blog fever – How Expats are connected

SF_Logo_redwhiteJoW. – Blogging is one of the best ways for expats to stay informed about special topics. With twitter, facebook and of course the Business Networks the connection is a 24/7 affair. Recently Savoir Faire Basel published a blog about the way how expats are connected worldwide ( Now we take a look on several blogs especially established for expats in Switzerland.

First of all we want to mention our own blogosphere – – where we offer blogs about a lot of aspects who might interest entrepreneurs, eventmanagers and of course the expats in Switzerland and the Greater Basel area. (areas along the french and german border included).

screen-sfb-blogBecause, concerning the Concièrge offers, the expats are a large part of our client portfolio, we care about a lot of aspects they are dealing about every day. Example: “Companies usually only take care of expat employeesduring the initial phase of their time in a foreign country. We help them deal with the everyday aspects of life in their new home,” says Sandra Locher about her business concept. .Whatever the task that needs doing, the “savoir faire” team takes care of it with utmost seriousness.

With our blog @ and all the other social media and business network channels we stay connected with expats in Switzerland, other Expat Blogospheres and Social Media/Business networks. And, we offer some other informations about integration programs and studies especially for expats in Switzerland: and . Read our „Expat Syndrome“ blog and how important networking and Social Media is for integration in the society.

At we already mentioned great Expat bloggers and content providers on social media channels such as @Expatious, @YourExpatChild, @LocationSwitzerland, @DoYouBasel, @The Expat Hub, @Expat Archive Center, @Easy Expat, @Expat Expo CH, @1000 places to see und @The Expat Blog.

We found other interesting stuff in the Expat blogosphere. Here are our top 3 recommendations:

screenshot humorous guide expats

This blog has a special approach to readers: He is dedicated to a a humorous description of life in Switzerland. Funny dictionaries and recommendations and „Do You Know“-lists about all aspects of daily life as an expat in Switzerland included.

Expatious, the social community site created for and by people who want to live the good life in Switzerland and who want to make their stay one of their best experiences in life.

expatious blog screenshot

screenshot-swissinfo-expatblogThis blog regularly features posts from writers from different regions of Switzerland. In addition, it is well-written, interesting and appears in an appealing design. There is some confusion with the tags vs. categories that I believe can be resolved. Also, a timeline of post titles might help find certain posts. All in all, “A Blog about life in Switzerland” is a excellent expat-blog and definitely worth reading – especially if you are an expat in Switzerland yourself!

Do you have recommendations? Join us and interact with us. We will publish all your suggestions and feedbacks on our Social Media platforms:





One thought on “Blog fever – How Expats are connected

  1. Pingback: Working in Switzerland – The Challenges | savoirfairebasel

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